Divine Analogies - Lessons from Nature - Volume 3 - Five Elements

  • Model: 17790
  • Shipping Weight: 0.15kg
  • Manufactured by: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division


"Nature is your school, your laboratory, the gateway to liberation, and the panorama of God's majesty. Seek to know the lessons it is ready to teach," said Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, reminding the human folk of the importance of Mother Nature. Taking a cue from the Lord of Sathya Yuga, man should evolve, watching, following and learning lessons from Mother Nature. Bhagawan said, "You need not wander in search of a guru. Learn lessons from every living being and everything that you find around."

Man is made up of the five elements of nature, the Pancha Bhutas, namely, Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth and the same is true with the entire Creation. What do humans have to learn from these essential five elements?

'Divine Analogies - Lessons from Nature, Volume 3 - Five Elements', compiled by Dr Sasidhar Siddabattuni, focuses on some of the beautiful analogies on the Pancha Bhutas, as explained by Bhagawan in His Divine discourses. The author, while presenting these gems of Divine teachings, has taken due care to connect Bhagawan's own words into an easily understandable pack of Divine Wisdom. Every single analogy is laden with His exhortations that could stimulate an inquisitive mind to dive deeper to win priceless Pearls of Wisdom. Such an eager seeker with one-pointed attention on His teachings can learn, assimilate, and imbibe the priceless Pearls of Wisdom in day-to-day life and derive benefits.

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